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Our pool of start-ups.

FEB supports young companies in accessing the events market for 1 year. Our value really lies in the business acceleration phase, where start-ups must focus their efforts on acquiring new customers.

By taking part in the programme, start-ups benefit from:

  • a network of sector experts,
  • assistance with financing,
  • visibility with regard to the events ecosystem,
  • access to the benefits of Paris&Co (the economic development and innovation agency of the City of Paris and Greater Paris Métropole), addressing cross-cutting issues that affect all start-ups: fundraising, UX design, Growth Hacking, legal, etc.

Start-ups are recruited each quarter via a selection panel made up of our partners. This ongoing recruitment makes it possible to match market expectations as closely as possible and to ensure no future “nuggets” are missed.


  • Boost your sales / acquire new customers
  • Complete a first/second financing round with investors (traditional or industrial)
  • Give your start-up visibility
  • Develop your start-up internationally

Benefits of the programme

  • Accelerate your prospecting
  • Develop within a community of start-ups facing the same challenges.
  • Take part in our partners’ events

Acceleration by French Event Booster means:

  • Personalised daily support each month
  • Sector-specific and cross-cutting support
  • Access to a catalogue of negotiated offers (communication tools, recruitment, etc.)
  • Access to a work space in the heart of the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles exhibition centre
  • Access to trade shows and conferences as a visitor or exhibitor

Timeline 2022/2023 - Calls for applications


Solutions Applied to WEB 3.0

  • Launch of the programme - September 2022

Environmental Impact

  • Launch of the programme - January 2023

Immersive Solutions

  • Launch of the programme - May 2023

The aim of French Event Booster, the first innovation platform dedicated to the events sector, is to detect future industry champions. Support professionals in adopting new innovations within their business.

More than 40 start-ups have emerged thanks to our support and the valuable advice of our partners, who are deeply involved in the development of the accelerated projects.

The predominant factors in the satisfaction of start-ups accelerated to date:

  • The network, networking opportunities and access to the events ecosystem
  • The support team
  • The accelerator and its framework, conducive to exchanges and collaboration
  • Special access to events and players at the Paris Expo Porte de Versailles exhibition centre
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